Russia Black Hole - A huge volcanic crater spotted near Yamal in northern Siberia has left people looking for an explanation. Siberian television Zvezda recently broadcast a video of a helicopter of a giant black hole that looks hundreds of feet wide and was reportedly built about two years ago. Video clips do not have to walk much, and while scientists are on their way to study the crater, expectations Leave a lot.

Russia's Emergency Situations Ministry has rejected asteroid strikes, although such incidents are common in the country. Russia recently. And there are simple UFO theories and the like. But the exact cause of the hole may just be the unique geology of the area. An Australian scientist says it looks like a collapsing "penguin", a huge lump of ice beneath the ground. But Anna Kurchatova of the Arctic Science Research Center has another explanation. The Yamal region (named Siberia for the "end of the world") is rich in natural gas, and pockets of this substance, combined with water and salt, can cause large explosions if permafrost is injected by variations. Weather causing frostbite. The research mission should provide additional information.

Russia Black Hole

Russia Black Hole

Mysterious Siberian 'End of the World' Volcano - Carpenter's Story Comes True!— Neil McGlone (@NeilMcGFilm) July 16, 2014

Donbas: A New 'black Hole' In Europe

Then, of course, there are still * other * bizarre pits in Siberia តូ— Jason Major (@JPMajor) July 16, 2014 A lot of silence went into the kilos. The hull has been described as having a water drop-like appearance and significantly reduced water resistance compared to older World War II submarine designs. The propulsion system is isolated on a rubber base so that it does not touch the hull, preventing vibrations from turning into audible sounds outside the boat.

Unlike the US Navy, which controls everything on nuclear power, Russia maintains a fleet of submarines, diesel and nuclear. The land power that covers most of Eurasia, Russian submarines are closer in action than US submarines. While Russia maintains nuclear submarines for long-distance sea patrols, its fleet of diesel submarines is sufficient for conflicts in Europe, the Middle East and near Russia abroad.

The main force of the Russian Navy's conventional navy is the Project 877 submarine, known as the Kilo-class in NATO and the West. Nicknamed the "Black Hole" submarine by the US Navy, the revamped Kilos force is the quietest. Classes were built more or less continuously for thirty years, a testament to their effectiveness at sea.

The Kilo class was originally intended to serve the Navy of the Warsaw Pact, replacing the old Whiskey and Foxtrot boats. The submarine is only 238 feet long and 32 feet wide and can move 3,076 tons submerged. The ship was operated by only twelve officers and forty soldiers and lasted forty-five days before refueling.

Why Black Holes Spin At Nearly The Speed Of Light

The ship was powered by two diesel engines and an electric motor that gave them enough power to make ten knots on the surface and seventeen knots under the water. They are not fast submarines. They range from six thousand to seven thousand five hundred miles, which means that from the headquarters of the Russian Northern Fleet they can patrol a thousand nautical miles and then continue to Cuba.

They are also not deep divers. According to Combat Fleets of the World, the Kilo class typically dives only 787 feet with a maximum dive depth of 984 feet. Submarines perform well, especially in shallow water, where two tubes equipped with a low-speed motor may allow them to operate closer to the seabed.

A lot of silence went into the pound. The hull has been described as having a water drop-like appearance and significantly reduced water resistance compared to older World War II submarine designs. The propulsion system is isolated on a rubber base so that it does not touch the hull, preventing vibrations from turning into audible sounds outside the boat. The ship is coated with rubber to eliminate noise from submarines, which sometimes gives the submarine a clogged appearance that can be seen in the photos. The air regeneration system can keep the crew supplying oxygen for up to 260 hours, giving the ship underwater resistance for nearly two weeks.

Russia Black Hole

The sensor set consists of a low-frequency MGK-400 Rubikon (Shark Gill) active and passive radar set with a passive array. It also has the MG519 Mouse Roar high frequency radar for target detection and mine avoidance. For easy navigation and discovery, Kilo is equipped with MRK-50 Albatros radar.

Russia And China Both Have 'black Hole' Kilo Class Submarines

Finally, the Kilo had six torpedo tubes with a standard diameter of 533 mm and was originally configured to carry a guided torpedo and eighteen SS-N-15A Starfish anti-submarine missiles. On later ships of the class, two torpedo tubes were capable of firing a torpedo guided by a wire. Also featured for this class is the location for the crew with the Igla shoulder-shaped mobile air defense missile.

Twenty-four Kilo-class submarines were operated by the Soviet Union, of which 11 were still operated by Russia. One was sold to Poland, which was still in operation, but the other was sold to Romania, no longer available. Ten were sold to India; Nine were still running while the 10th caught fire and sank at the dock in August 2013. Iran has 3 kilos and Algeria has two. China has two submarines purchased after the end of the Cold War.

Submarines were some of the first ships that Russian garages began to build after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. An upgraded version of the kilo class, known as Project 636.3 or simply "Enhanced Kilo", was created to restore the declining Russian submarine strength and gain a solid currency from exports. .

Class 636.3 is a complete upgrade. The dimensions of the submarine are identical, but the arc has been redesigned to improve hydraulic flow. It features increased quietness by separating additional machinery, moving other machinery to places where it will make less noise. Submarines also have a range 25% larger than previous versions. Most major sonar systems are identical to the original kilo class.

Einstein's Theory Proven As Light Spotted On Other Side Of Black Hole For First Time

A major improvement of Class 636.3 is the ability to launch Kalibur missiles. Kalibur (export version known as Klub) is a type of missile that can be used with ground, anti-ship and anti-submarine attacks. In December 2016, Russian submarines

The People's Republic of China was the first customer of 636.3, purchasing ten submarines in the 1990s. Submarines are obviously divided between the East and South Seas. Another customer is Algeria, who bought two modern kilos to supplement its original submarine.

Vietnam has purchased 636.3 boats with five deliveries so far, at the core of the anti-entry / prohibition force against its traditional enemy, China. The two countries have a history of mutual animosity, currently fueled by Chinese oil drilling in disputed exclusive economic zones and competing claims in the South China Sea. Vietnam has bought six submarines for about $ 1.8 billion in negotiations.

Russia Black Hole

It will serve in the Black Sea Fleet, where it could launch future missile strikes against ISIS targets. Russia has suspended the purchase of more kilos, looking to upgrade to the Lada class.

Hear The Weird Sounds Of A Black Hole Singing

Kilo-class submarines have been very successful both technically and in terms of export. Submarines intended to be almost the next concept for Soviet allies became a legend in the eyes of NATO. Fifty-three submarines were built over a period of thirty-three years, often providing the Russian shipyard with significant work that kept them operational during the post-Cold War years. In addition to Russia's operations against Islamic State, as tensions in the South China Sea increase the likelihood of naval clashes, we can see Kilo submarines operating in Asian waters.

Kyle Mizokami is a San Francisco-based security and defense writer who appeared in

In 2009, he founded the Japan Security Watch. You can follow him on Twitter: That mysterious pit deep in Siberia will be a little mysterious. Scientists have just completed the first survey of a giant hole in the northern Yamal, meaning "end of the world" in Siberia. Andrey Plekhanov, one of the researchers, told the Siberian Times that conspiracy theorists who thought the bomb or UFO might be involved were disappointed to hear the group's initial judgment: This is not. " "It's just Mother Nature's law with her internal pressures and temperature fluctuations."

The hole is closer to 100 feet in diameter than the first report, which was 250 or 300 feet, although it looks deep into it. Researchers think it may be part of a natural process that creates many lakes in the Yamal region. There are many theories about the actual formation process that the most convincing thing could be a pocket of natural gas (rich in yamal) combined with salt water and rising temperatures can explode with enough force to spray.

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